Банк данных переводчиков - Переводчики в Казахстане - Ибраева Шынар Мустапиевна

English language translator Ibrayeva Shynar

Republic of Kazakhstan, Semey
  Переводчик Republic of Kazakhstan, Semey, визитная карточка на русском языке  

Внимание! Переводчик временно не выполняет заявки на перевод.

Republic of Kazakhstan, Semey


-Semey State University, Republic of Kazakhstan, "interpreter of English".
-Courses of English in Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages, Hyderabad, India.

-2003 - 2006, Institute of Atomic Energy of Nuclear National Center of the Republic of Kazkhstan, interpreter (oral and written translations in the field of atomic energy, legal and financial documentation)
-2006 - present. Leading Gold Mining Company in Kazakhstan (Australian shareholders), interpreter(oral and written translations in the field of geology, metallurgy, legal and financial documentation)

Winning terms

(c) 2008- EUservice24.info