Carry out urgent and scheduled medical and life sciences translations from English into Russian and vice versa, ensuring appropriate language is used relative to target audience: including doctors, patients, patient advocates, nurses, clinical researches, scientific experts and investigators.
Translate medical research abstracts, reports, treatment guidelines and strategies as well as information about the use of medicines for either professionals or patients.
Translate news materials and summaries from medical conferences as well as health promotion information for patients.

Urgent translation is completed and submitted to a client within 24 hours after the request for translation is confirmed and a sourse material is received. Normally, I am capable of completing urgent translation of texts consisting of around 1500 words.
I accept payments made by a bank transfer into my bank account (at First Direct Bank, UK) or money transfers through Western Union, which I require to reach me within 28 days from the time of submitting translated texts to a client.