Банк данных переводчиков - Переводчики на Украине - Акулова Наталья Михайловна

Interpretor and translator from Russian and Ukrainian Akulova Nataliya, Ukraine, Kiev

Interpretor and translator from Russian and Ukrainian Akulova Nataliya, Ukraine, Kiev в Украина, Киеве
  Переводчик в Украина, Киеве, визитная карточка на русском языке  

Внимание! Переводчик временно не выполняет заявки на перевод.

Украина, Киев

Akulova Nataliya: Interpretor and translator from Russian and Ukrainian, Ukraine, Kiev. The main fields: finances, business, real estate, tourism, business negotiations, building, accounting

2000-2005 Uman State teacher's training university, philolog in English, specialist

2008 - interpretor and translator of consulting company "Adventec Plus" dealing with selling of real estate in the USA. Accompaning of the investors to the USA for object examination, conducting business negotiations with lawyers and brokers, translation of special papers and agreements.
2007-2008 - finance company "ProstoFinance (Societe Generale)". Transltions of texts dedicated to financial reports of back-office department, requests of software supplement.
2006-2007 - accompaning of tourist groups to Israel and Australia for interpreting, group leader responsibilities

(c) 2008- EUservice24.info